Aircraft System Safety
Assessments for Initial Airworthiness CertificationAircraft System Safety: Assessments for Initial Airworthiness Certification presents a practical guide for the novice safety practitioner in the more specific area of assessing aircraft system failures to show compliance to regulations such as FAR25.1302 and 1309. A case study and safety strategy beginning in chapter two shows the reader how to bring safety assessment together in a logical and efficient manner. Written to supplement (not replace) the content of the advisory material to these regulations (e.g. AMC25.1309) as well as the main supporting reference standards (e.g. SAE ARP 4761, RTCA/DO-178, RTCA/DO-154), this book strives to amalgamate all these different documents into a consolidated strategy with simple process maps to aid in their understanding and optimise their efficient use. Covers the effect of design, manufacturing, and maintenance errors and the effects of common component errors Evaluates the malfunctioning of multiple aircraft components and the interaction which various aircraft systems have on the ability of the aircraft to continue safe flight and landing Presents and defines a case study (an aircraft modification program) and a safety strategy in the second chapter, after which each of the following chapters will explore the theory of the technique required and then apply the theory to the case studyISBN: 9780081008898, 0081008899
Aircraft System SafetyAssessments for Initial Airworthiness Certification Ebook (
Duane Kritzinger
Category: 2016