INTRO HYDRAULIC FINE .. (2ND ED)This book expounds the hydraulics of fine sediment which is almost ubiquitously found in coastal and estuarine waters, and in rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. Although the basic subject may be categorized as applied marine physics in shallow waters, several physicochemical and biological effects on particulate transport have been addressed.In this second edition most of the chapters have been substantially updated, rewritten, and expanded. Overall, a significant change has also been made throughout by replacing sediment concentration, a unit dependent quantity at the heart of numerous descriptions, measurements, and calculations, with the nondimensional sediment volume fraction. It marks a divergence in the manner in which fine sediment transport data and calculations are conventionally presented.The book is mainly written for civil engineering seniors and graduate students, to offer a comprehensive foundation in hydraulics of fine sediment. The book is also a useful reference for researchers interested in the effects of physical chemistry and biology on fine sediment transport in water and to an extent on coastal and estuarine morphodynamics, sediment transport, port and harbor engineering, and applied shallow watwer marine physics. The book is also recommended reading for those interested in understanding particle transport in water.Related Link(s)Contents: IntroductionFluid Flow and Wave MotionSediment ClassificationFlocculation and Floc PropertiesFine Sediment PropertiesTransport LoadSettling and DepositionBed FormationErosionFluid Mud PropertiesWave’Mud ProcessesSedimentation PhenomenaReadership: Teachers, researchers, upper division undergraduates and graduate students in civil engineering, environmental engineering and coastal geology; Courses in sediment transport, port and harbor engineering, and applied shallow watwer marine physics. Recommended reading for those interested in understanding particle transport in water.ISBN: 9789811257230, 981125723X
INTRO HYDRAULIC FINE .. (2ND ED)2nd Edition Ebook (
Ashish J Mehta
Category: 2022