45 Techniques Every Counselor Should KnowThis is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. A user-friendly guide to essential counseling techniques and skills Concise, yet thorough, 45 Techniques Every Counselor Should Know is designed to prepare students to enter their field with sound ideas for applying theory-based techniques to their counseling. Coverage of each technique starts with the presentation of the theoretical origins, then provides a step-by-step guide to implementation, and culminates with opportunities for application. Transcriptions, case examples, multicultural implications, and outcomes-based research demonstrate real-life application of how the techniques can be used in counseling practice. This indispensable resource provides hands-on help for working with clients from all backgrounds to create positive changes in their lives and meet their counseling goals. The 3rd Edition features new case studies and application questions and five new techniques detailed in new chapters on Mindfulness Meditation (Ch. 17); Assigning Homework (Ch. 29); Narrative Theory (Ch. 43); Strengths-Based Counseling (Ch. 44); and Client Advocacy (Ch. 45). ISBN: 9780134694894, 0134694899
45 Techniques Every Counselor Should Know3rd Edition Ebook (tanbook.shop)
Bradley T. Erford
Category: 2019
Tag: tanbook.shop